I personally think Kittensmitten is amazingly beautiful. I know that there are many people out there who disagree with me. I mean, for me, the only thing that is abysmal about her is the fact that she smokes on cam. That has always been a bit of a turn-off for me. However, I still encourage you to check her out as she is delightful to watch. If you want a vagina close up with a nerdy girl with frizzy red hair and thick rimmed glasses as she masturbates herself then Kittensmitten is the girl. She loves to hold the webcam close up to her pussy. You can see ll her girlie cum in awesome detail. Click here to see her live.
I probably say this a lot when I write reviews; this girl is not conventionally attractive. Think of your typical nerd girl. She has frizzy red hair. Some thick rimmed glasses, a cute little chuckle and, if I am not mistaken, a tiny bit of acne. I have no idea if this is a look that she is going for on Chaturbate to reel Continue reading “Vagina close up with a nerdy girl with frizzy red hair and thick rimmed glasses”